Transformation Through Education


Our volunteers are an essential part of our team at Omaha Street School.  Often students and visitors aren't sure who is staff and who is volunteering!  Our volunteer presence is as strong, as committed and as mission-minded as our staff.  We are looking for dedicated individuals, social groups, and church and business groups to join our team.  Help transform young people's lives through education.  Check out the opportunities we have available, then connect with Susan Schaaf, our volunteer coordinator. To contact Susan Schaaf call (402) 451-5234 ext. 4 or email: [email protected]

Classroom Volunteers - Can you give 1-2 hours a week to work with at-risk high school students?  Our students thrive when they receive one-on-one help.  You will definitely make an impact on a student’s life!

Substitute Teachers—Retired Classroom Teachers needed to substitute at Omaha Street School.

Teaching support—Volunteers in the classroom are a great help to both students and instructors.  They tutor students one-on-one and can lead a small group of students for a project.  They can also assist instructors with administrative tasks such as preparing for activities or making copies.  The volunteer’s presence in the classroom shows the students that someone in addition to the staff cares about them and is willing to give of their time to build into their lives.

Lunch Providers—Every day school is in session, a volunteer group (2 or more people) serves lunch at Omaha Street School.  This ensures that our students get at least one nutritious meal each day. Volunteers for this program plan, purchase, prepare and serve a meal for students, staff and volunteers during the school day.  For more information, visit our Lunch Providers page.

Family Night—Volunteers are needed to plan and participate in Family Night evenings.  These evenings are designed for current/former students and their families to gather in fellowship in a fun-filled setting.  This program is offered several times a year during the evening meal.  Volunteers are often needed to help with meal preparation, serving and clean-up, activities assistant, or decorations.

Front Desk - The first face to welcome visitors to OSS, our front desk volunteers answer phones, greet visitors, and assist with administrative duties as needed and as willing.  Shifts are available Tuesdays through Fridays.

Bathrooms - We need one or two people to clean five bathrooms every other week.  This can be done at almost any time that is convenient for you.

Projects—From time to time we have various projects that may include building improvement, fundraising/event planning, library assistance and many other options.  Some projects require specialized skill and knowledge.  Some projects only require a servant’s heart (Examples: cleaning, creating bulletin boards, event planning).

Contact Susan Schaaf at 402-451-5234 ext. 4 or email [email protected] for more information or to get started.  Background checks are required of all volunteers who work one-on-one with students.  All volunteers will be asked to read and sign the following documents.

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